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Welcome to the Green Panther Summit

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for committing to change your event business.

More practical information about the summit will be sent to you by e-mail shortly.

We have a special offer for you!

Do you want to benefit from our exclusive VIP opportunity here below?

         Get your VIP all access pass now                   for only €37* (or $39*).

                Exclusive offer valid until the                     #GreenPantherSummit starts

What does the VIP all access pass include

  • ​Get 3 months access to all interviews from the Green Panther Summit which usually are only available for 24h after the daily training.
  • ​​Access to the private Q&A sessions during #GreenPantherSummit with the host Bram Vandewalle and some of the speakers. This is the only space to ask questions.​
  • ​Private members page with 3 months access to all videos of the Green Panther.
  • Lifetime Access to the Green Panther Facebook group with like-minded event professionals.
  • 5 meals donated to JustWorld International a not-for-profit organization that transforms the lives of children in impoverished communities around the world by providing access to life-changing education, healthcare, and nutrition programs.
  • ​  One-time offer for only €37(or $39*)       Exclusive offer valid until the GP Summit starts

Get your VIP all access pass

Exclusive offer valid until the #GreenPantherSummit starts

Value = $175

Price goes up

Now For = €37* (or $39*)

*Prizes excl. VAT


Welcome to the Green Panther Summit

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for committing to change your event business.

More practical information about the summit will be sent to you by e-mail shortly.

We have a special offer for you!

Do you want to benefit from our exclusive VIP opportunity

Get your VIP all access pass now for €37* (or $39*).
Exclusive offer valid until the #GreenPantherSummit starts

What does the VIP all access pass include

  • Get 3 months access to all interviews from the Green Panther Summit which usually are only available for 24h after the daily training.
  • ​​Access to the private Q&A sessions during #GreenPantherSummit with the host Bram Vandewalle and some of the speakers. This is the only space to ask questions.​
  • ​Private members page with 3 months access to all videos of the Green Panther.
  • Lifetime Access to the Green Panther Facebook group with like-minded event professionals.
  • 5 meals donated to JustWorld International a not-for-profit organization that transforms the lives of children in impoverished communities around the world by providing access to life-changing education, healthcare, and nutrition programs.
  • One-time offer for only 37* (or $39*) Exclusive offer valid until the #GreenPantherSummit starts

Get your VIP all access pass

Exclusive offer valid until the #GreenPantherSummit starts

Value = $175

Now For = €37* (or $39*)

*Prizes excl. VAT

Price goes up

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